This NPC/PC Was hand crafted by me as the ultimate ME Character. I spent hours creating him. Hand picking and skimming over ever mutation and ability. As far as I know the only thing holding him back is the fact that he is Rank 1. At higher levels he will be unstoppable. He is already almost immortal based on the mutations he has , hence the age of 164. He was obviously based off of Lorenzo Lamas's Renegade Character, Which I personally find hilarious and some how fitting for the setting. Please enjoy an research some of his mutations yourself to see just how potent he could possibly be.
NPC/PC: The Renegade (Lorenzo Lamas)
Faction: Wandering Street Justice
Type/Caste: Nomad / Freakish Horror
Rank: 1
END: 144 Healing Rate: 72
STR: 89 Dam Mod: +12 Range Mod: +60%
AGI: 48 DV Mod: -4 Movement Mod: +.05M
ACC: 70 SV: +8
INT: 47
WIL: 82
APP: 42
AGI: -4
ARMOR: -17 Leather Armor: -10 / Chainmail Vest: -7 /
HELM: -2
OTHER: -3 Arid Adaptation
Defensive Value: -26 Normal / -31 Dodge
Base Strike Value: 01-50
Wild. Survival Rank 1
Navigate By Stars Rank 1
Knife Fighter Rank 1 +2SV +2 Dam
Medic Rank 1
Tracking Rank 1
Dodge Rank 1
W.E. Razor Sword Rank 1 +4 SV +2 Dam
Driver Rank 1
Rider Rank 3
Body Disproportion Upper Body
Arid Adaptation -3 DV
Photosynthetic Skin +3 Heal Per hour
Heightened Attribute Endurance
Increased Cellular Activity x 3 Heal Rate
Radiation Immunity
Radiation Detection 20M
Reserve Heart
Wakefulness 1 Hour
Sonic Organ Half Damage from Sonic Attacks
Strong Immune System x 2 HC vs. poison / Heal +4 per hour
Slow Metabolism half normal food intake
Voice Disorder Speech sounds like eleven year old boy
Intense Allergy Shellfish Ingested
Leather Armor
Leather Helm
Chainmail Vest
Elk Bone handle Knife +3SV 1D8 Dam
Flint Spear 0/+3SV 1D20/1D20+3 Dam
Razor Sword +8SV 1D20 +11 Dam
Black Aviator Sun Glasses
Harley Davidson Soft Tail Classic Mint Condition
Saddle bags full of Rouge Justice (Saddle bags can release caltrops )
Gothic Combat Boots
Belt of Skullock Skulls
Denim Jeans
Razor Sword SV: 01-70 Rate: 1 Range: Melee Damage: 1D20+25
Elk Bone Knife SV: 01-63 Rate: 1 Range: Melee Damage: 1D8+14
Flint Spear SV: 01-58/61 Rate: 1 Range: Melee Damage: 1D20+12/1D20+15
Gender: Male
Age: 164
Height: 6' 10"
Weight: 275
Skin: Caucasian
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Emerald
Handedness: Ambidextrous
Swimming: Excellent
Literacy: Yes
Math: Advanced
Faith/Religion: Street justice
Personality: Lorenzo Lamas!
Motivation: Street Justice
Sexuality: Questionable but more then likely Hetero
Languages: English, Spanish, Apache, French, Arabic, German, Russian, Japanese, Skullock.